Summer is here and bow season is right around the corner! Get that draw weight up so that you can shoot farther, have more pass throughs, bigger blood trails and feel more confident about your bow season.
1. SHOOT MORE: Of course shooting your bow more will help to build the muscles you use when you shoot. However, you’ll need to step outside of your comfort zone a bit. Something to try is raising your draw weight to the fine line where shooting is difficult enough to build muscle, but not so difficult to the point where you can’t shoot at all. All it takes is about an hour a day of shooting to build the weight. If you can’t shoot for an hour at first, it is OK.
2. WORKOUT: Exercise is a huge part building to muscle to increase your draw weight. The best muscles to exercise are your shoulder muscles, back muscles, triceps, biceps, even your chest and hand muscles, all of these muscle groups are essential for increasing your draw weight. Free weights, machines, push-ups and pull-ups will all help to build the necessary muscle to raise your draw weight.
3. RESISTANCE TRAINING: Resistance training is a great way to help new archers and bow-hunters who are currently shooting a lower poundage increase their draw weight. Take a resistance band and draw it just like you would a bow, hold it for thirty seconds, then slowly let it down. Repeat for as many times as you can do it. After doing this for a few weeks use the resistance band just as you did before, only this time have a weight in each hand. This will help build that muscle so you can raise that poundage!
Follow these steps and you’ll be shooting a higher poundage in no time!
Until next time!
-Kat Haas Outdoors
There’s certainly a lot to find out about this topic.
I love all the points you’ve made.